Thursday, 9 April 2009

Poem: Untitled

Today a swell of speckled-grey
stopped me dead in my track,
a pigeon rolled like a lump of dough
caught between a narrow crack.
ow it met its end I’ll never know –
and yet its silent song
brought to mind forbidden love
beckoning from a world beyond.

Catherine Mark


June Saville said...

Catherine, you've caught a very poignant moment here. Many of us have seen such death, and felt deeply. I do like this.

IJ said...


Strawberry Girl said...

It is startling to me to be confronted by a piece of nature like this, suddenly there and obviously dead... it's a completly different feeling than when you see things that are supposed to be inanimate. It usually hits me, this object should be running around doing what it's species does and when I see the form of its body sitting there it always seems a bit absurd to me, wrong. Maybe that's where your going with the thought on forbidden love...

Judith Ellis said...

Beautiful, Catherine! Really fine!

Anonymous said...

forbidden love beckoning from a world beyond....

now that got me!

Cynthia said...

Sad. Your compassion for all creatures big and small is beautiful Catherine.

CathM said...

@June: Hmmmmm – yes, it was very strange seeing the little creature meet its end in such a way... and yet it made me think of how death makes life all the more beautiful.

@Lilly J: Thanks. It’s always good to have your comment!

@Annie: Interesting thoughts... the juxtaposition of life and death always fascinates me... the two are so inextricably linked.

@Judith: Thank you for reading and commenting!

@Paul: Hmmmmm – there is something ‘forbidden’ and ‘hidden’ about death, life and love...

@Cynthia: Yes, and yet there is profound beauty tied up to the ‘sadness’ that surrounds our waking moments.

Calli said...

Such a compelling poem, Cath! Just lovely!

Athelas said...

and already we are considering escape

CathM said...

@Calli: Lovely to read your comment... thank you!

@Athelas: Indeed, dear friend – indeed :)

Lilly said...

Brethtakingly poignant.

CathM said...

@Lilly: Thank you :)