Dear readers
Just to let you know that I’ll be off the radar (blogwise) this June due to a manic work schedule (weekday+weekends) – teaching, tutoring and exam marking (on top of study/workshop commitments)... ArrrgggHhh! I take this opportunity to apologise for my absence this month as I will not be commenting on blogs as regularly as I normally do – although, I will be reading your posts whenever I can :) Do bear with me and stay connected as I’ll be back in earnest by the start of July... posting fresh stuff here (hopefully!) and responding to your blogs. Until then... I wish you all a fruitful bloggy month :)
And, in the meantime I leave you a picture of a fountain in Albert Square, Manchester where I can be found passing through most days to'ing and fro'ing from one commitment to the other (lol)! [Incidentally, if you click on the image and view it large... you might spot a Starbucks in the corner of the frame... yep, I am often buying a grande cafe latte from that very Starbucks... I'm needing lots of caffeine at the moment to get me through my gruelling daily schedule (rueful smile!)]