Monday, 12 January 2009

Re: Making Connections!

This weekend I was honoured (and, totally CHUFFED) by my first ever blog award (titled: Blogging Brings Us Closer Award) from a dear friend – Maithri Goonetilleke; a gifted and talented poet, writer, singer and doctor. His blog is a real ‘treasure box’ – full of compassion, inspiration, affirmation and a generous blogging community. Please do check him out at:! Maithri’s ongoing commitment to the work of hiv/aids and his current post and song raising awareness on the issue of breast cancer brought to mind a short piece that I wrote some months back(which I post following). I just love the connections that the blogging world opens up - don't you (smile)!?!

The Russian Doll
It is as if the weight of the doctor’s words hammers her to the floor. Inch-by-inch, she sinks lower and lower. Once she hits the ground, she hugs her knees, and fixes her eyes on nothing; seeing, yet blind. She hears a loud rhythmic boom-boom, boom-boom. It sounds like a rapping on the door but she knows that the culprit is her racing heart. She wants to stand, to get away – to run. Instead her body shakes, and she begins to rock. It is an unconscious movement – forward, then backward; slow, then fast. A scream erupts in her mind though the room remains silent. A wave of madness washes over her. She wills herself to pass out, but nothing happens. Rather, things become clearer – sharper – in focus. The white walls of the consultation room look whiter – pristine – even sterile. It must be a mistake, she thinks. She doesn’t belong here. She needs to lie down, she tells herself. The response is automatic. Her mind guides her frail frame sideways on the tiled floor, where she curls up in a foetal position. Her head: pounds. Her body: trembles. Struggling for breath, her eyes half-close, flutter open, then shut again – shutting the diagnosis out. Numb: she descends into a dream state. Delirious: she falls – is falling deep inside a well. After what seems an age, the dark waters give way to gray shadows. Her mind’s eye adjusts to the haze, and out of nowhere she notices a reddish glint. Without thinking, she follows the red speck. The object seems to be running away from her, in the same way she is running away from her reality. She chases after it – as if chasing an answer. At the basin of the well, she comes face-to-face with what emerges to be a red figurine. It is then she realises that it is only a Russian doll.


Maithri said...

Wow!!! This is a moving and profound piece of writing my friend...

Really beautiful...

Thanks for your kind words...

I really love your blog! Heres to you my friend... May the days to come hold only good things for you...

only peace.... only laughter...only love

Blessings, M

MSM said...

The sense of disorientation among the senses (sight, sound, etc.) is captured so wonderfully in this tight piece--it allows the reader to "ride along" in the flow of her consciousness. Wonderfully done, CathM.

Calli said...

Oh, truly wonderful writing CathM. I enjoy each visit...

Congrats on your blog award!!!

Silke Lauryn said...

Congratulations on your award!
I really like your style of writing. This particular story is fast-paced and kept me going. I wanted more, but yet I was satisfied. You are a gifted writer! I like that you use colons to describe the previous word. I don't know anyone that does that. I'm looking forward to more!

lissa said...

I like the rush of emotions in the story, though I am wondering what she saw in the red/doll, hope? new beginning?

congrats on the award!

CathM said...

@Maithri: Thank you for your affirmative thoughts & blessing!

@Matthew: I appreciate your positive engagement with the piece. Thank you!

@Calli: Thanks for popping by and leaving such an encouraging comment.

@Silke: re your comment about my use of colons – I am at the stage of my writing development where I feel confident to explore/experiment with crafting techniques. I appreciate your observation and favourable comments. Also – a warm welcome as a ‘blogging comrade’!

@Lissa: Thanks for reading. I love the idea of red/doll symbolising hope/new beginning!

@Lorenzo: Thanks for visiting and coming on board as a ‘blogging comrade’. Welcome!

Lilly said...

Just wonderful. I love the music too. Australia is going to be lucky to have you living here!

DJ Rogue said...

I could almost feel the kick in the gut this person recieved upon hearing the news. Well done Cath.

CathM said...

@Lilly: Thanks for stopping by. It’s always lovely to have your generous comments.

@DJ: Indeed – ‘a real kick in the gut’! An awful diagnosis! Thanks for commenting (smile)!

cheryl said...

Powerful Cath !

Congratulations on your award and I'm sure it is the first of many ! I agree the Blogging community is wonderful, with arms wide open :)


Cynthia said...

Interesting piece Cahterine. I am
completely absorbing in this
woman's plight.

CathM said...

@Cheryl & Cynthia. Thank you both so much for stopping by, reading and commenting. Cheers!

@Naval: Thanks for popping by and joining my blog community as a ‘blogging comrade’. WELCOME!

Anonymous said...

Catherine - I am honored to present to you the Lemonade Award. The details will be posted on my blog soon. Thank you for being you !

CathM said...

@Tracey-Ann: How exciting... I look forward to receiving my ‘Lemonade Award’! Thank you!